
Phoenix 700

10/100 of our big and heavy PHOENIX 700 are ready and their sisters will be ready very soon. June will end with a bang! Stay tuned to see the total order!

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Some of our mixers are clean, labeled, packed and ready for dispatch. On our web site, you can find out further information about our mixers, but not only that!

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Six hundred SS PHOENIX 30 are ready to go and three hundred other SS PHOENIX 30 are now being prepared and will be ready at the beginning of July. BON VOYAGE!

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We like to exaggerate! This is our peristaltic pump ASP-40-IX with its spare tube. It will help our partner to move huge amount of sludge in a water treatment plant.

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Special P120

Here you can see our new special PHOENIX 120. It has an INOX pump casing, which is preferred for OIL & GAS applications, thank to his resistance to high

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Helios AS 25

Our HELIOS AS 25 Peristaltic pumps are ready for delivery. They are suitable for moving sludge in the water treatment. Thanks to their robustness and their

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Phoenix Catalogue

On our web site you can leaf through our new PHOENIX catalogue! Our team will be happy to answer your questions mailing to

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HERE WE GO! We are very proud of helping our country during this difficult situation. In just 3 days our reduced and protected team produced, among other

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Phoenix 60

COME TO DISCOVER OUR NEWS! We would have liked to show it to you during the MCE exhibition, but it was not possible.

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Dear friends, the situation in Italy is a little bit confused about the COVID-19. We are so far from the red zone, you know we are located close to the Swiss border.

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